This database was created through a collaboration with the National Institute for Cardiac Surgery and Interventional Cardiology (INCCI), as part of a MDYNRFC research project funded by Luxembourg’s National Research Fund (FNR) [Project FNR/C12/BM/3978355: Monitoring and Dynamics of Health Status through the Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in Luxembourg]. It contains the medical, demographic, and socio-economic data for patients suffering from Cardiovascular Diseases. The patients were all initially admitted to the INCCI for coronary examinations in 2008/2009. The data was collected and recorded by the INCCI, in order to maintain its confidentiality and anonymity. The database includes data from 2008/2009, and the follow-up survey carried out in 2013/2014. The main aspects of patient life it covers are physical health, lifestyle, relationship with the doctor, social and professional status, and quality of life.