Enquête Mobilité des Frontaliers (EMF)
    Cross-border Worker Mobility Survey (EMF)
    The first phase of the Cross-border Worker Mobility Survey was conducted in the autumn of 2010. The field of study comprised cross-border workers living within daily commuting range of their place of work, of whom there were 130,300 (from a total of 146,600 such workers) in December 2009 (source: IGSS). The sample was spatially stratified into 25 residential sectors, and a total of 40,000 letters and questionnaires were sent out. This batch contained the first phase of the questionnaire, which comprised the usual topics of a 'transport survey', while also being specially adapted to be presented on paper (nine pages) and self-administered. Thus, the first phase contained the key sociodemographic topics (type of housing, type of household, income category, education) as well as features connected with daily travel (activities on a workday, other regular travel, car, number of kilometres travelled, etc.) The response rate reached over 18% for this initial phase. A second phase was required, however, in order to gather more information about these key indicators concerning cross-border workers' daily travel experience and improve understanding of their practice. The information requested concerned their ideas, beliefs and attitudes, with respect to energy use, modes of transport and residential trajectory. To achieve this, in spring 2011, a follow-up, four-page questionnaire was sent to all those who had responded in the first phase - this time, the response rate was over 51%.
    Residential Mobility
    Place Of Residence

    Type de localisation habité actuellement
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Type de logement habité actuellement
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Année d'emménagement
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Sur votre lieu de résidence actuel ou à proximité, de combien d'emplacements de parking (garage, place privée) disposez-vous ?
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Sur votre lieu de résidence ou à proximité, trouver un emplacement de parking gratuit dans la rue ...
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Déménagement au cours de ces 10 dernières années :
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Avant d'habiter le logement actuel : PAYS de la dernière résidence
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    REGION de la dernière résidence
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    LOCALITE de la dernière résidence
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    TYPE DE LOCALISATION de la dernière résidence
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    TYPE DE LOGEMENT de la dernière résidence
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    ANNEE D'EMMENAGEMENT de la dernière résidence
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Raisons qui ont amené à déménager vers le logement actuel
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    La surface du logement
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Le type de logement (maison, appartement, etc.)
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    L'environnement du logement (paysage ...)
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Le voisinage
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Se rapprocher d'un lieu où vous avez déjà vécu
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Etre plus proche de lieux d'achats, de loisirs, de services scolaires
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Se rapprocher de membres de la famille ou d'amis
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Difficultés, contraintes financières
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Pour devenir propriétaire
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Mariage, mise en couple, naissance d'un enfant
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Divorce, séparation
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Départ de chez les parents, départ des enfants
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Emploi (nouvel emploi, mutation)
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Autre raison:
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Précision (autres):
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Raison principale qui a amené à déménager vers le logement actuel
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Comparativement au lieu de résidence précédent, le LOGEMENT actuel est
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Comparativement au lieu de résidence précédent, le VOISINAGE est
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Comparativement au lieu de résidence précédent, le ENVIRONNEMENT \ CADRE DE VIE est
    TAG: Place Of Residence
    Comparativement au lieu de résidence précédent, les DEPLACEMENTS DOMICILE-TRAVAIL sont
    TAG: Place Of Residence

    LISER database access and use policy

    As part of its studies and research, LISER has collected large amounts of data from various projects the Institute has carried out since its creation. LISER has also conducted a significant number of surveys in the country and in bordering countries mainly concerning individuals and households, from which it has analysed and archived information.

    LISER aims to increase the value of the data collected by making it available to the scientific community.

    It is, therefore, necessary to lay down essential rules for accessing the Institute's different databases. These rules concern the confidentiality statutes that are to be complied with as well as general conditions of use and procedures for accessing the multiple databases.

    This policy specifies the types of databases LISER makes available, as well as how they can be used, either :

    • (a) Externally, by user requests from the scientific community,
    • (b) Internally, by all LISER employees or by visitors to LISER.

    Data access conditions

    By default, all the databases owned or co-owned by LISER are accessible to all LISER employees on simple request (using a confidentiality declaration form). There may be specific cases that differ, namely databases of which LISER is not the sole owner. For the latter case, each database has its own arrangements (generally a specific data agreement form).

    For people external to LISER, access to data varies depending on the legal status and confidentiality level of the database requested. Therefore, depending on the database's confidentiality level, access may be granted only within LISER (physical entity) through an individualised and secure IT account. In all cases, access is requested using a form (see 'How to make a request').

    The aim of our policy is to facilitate access to data for research. The rules laid down are not used to hinder research or any other arbitrary desire to control. Rather, the aim is to put researchers in a position of responsibility with regard to data whose dissemination may be limited due to legal obligations (protection of persons, professional secrecy, etc.) or due to the data producer's interest (privilege of use, right of quotation, etc.).

    How to make a request

    The data access procedures differ depending on the user and data status. In all cases, users must sign an individual commitment.

    Data can be requested :

    • By contacting the LISER Data Centre : dataservice@liser.lu,
    • Or by drawing up (if one is available for the database requested) a LISER Agreement on data access or provision. (downloadable).
      Users provide information on their status and are requested to indicate which research project their request relates to. The published and signed documents must be sent by post to the following address :

      The Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
      11 Porte des Sciences Campus Belval
      L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette