Enquête mobilité des employés des institutions européennes à Luxembourg et à Strasbourg (ACROSS)
    Geocoded Mobility Survey of EU Institutions in Luxembourg & Strasbourg (ACROSS)
    Data was obtained from a recent survey about mobility, perceptions of the city and location of the activities of employees of three European Union institutions, two of which were located in Luxembourg (the European Investment Bank and the Court of Justice of the European Union, statistically valid sample comprising 370 people) and one in Strasbourg, France (Council of Europe, statistically valid sample comprising 145 people). Thus, a total sample of 515 people is available in the data set. The survey was conducted in November and December 2012. The sample comprises people with sociocultural differences and very high qualifications, who all share the same place of work, making it a suitable survey for studying sociocultural effects on behaviour in terms of mobility. Data was collected by means of an online survey, overseen and assisted by the human resources officer in each of the institutions, in order to ensure a good level of response. Respondents were asked about their mobility practice with respect to travel for work purposes, their attitudes to the various means of transport and their sociodemographic characteristics. The response rate varied between 6.2% and 11.2%. Regarding geographical information, respondents were asked to give streets or districts for their places of residence, places of work and places where they conducted other activities.
    European Commission

    Heure habituelle d'arrivé au travail. Partie heure.
    TAG: Schedule
    Heure habituelle d'arrivé au travail. Partie minutes.
    TAG: Schedule
    Flag changement des minutes de l'heure d'arrivé au travail
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    Heure habituelle de fin de travail. Partie heure.
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    Heure habituelle de fin de travail. Partie minutes.
    TAG: Schedule
    Flag changement de l'heure de sortie du travail
    TAG: Schedule
    Flag changement des minutes de l'heure de sortie du travail
    TAG: Schedule
    Horaire de travail flexibles.
    TAG: Schedule

    LISER database access and use policy

    As part of its studies and research, LISER has collected large amounts of data from various projects the Institute has carried out since its creation. LISER has also conducted a significant number of surveys in the country and in bordering countries mainly concerning individuals and households, from which it has analysed and archived information.

    LISER aims to increase the value of the data collected by making it available to the scientific community.

    It is, therefore, necessary to lay down essential rules for accessing the Institute's different databases. These rules concern the confidentiality statutes that are to be complied with as well as general conditions of use and procedures for accessing the multiple databases.

    This policy specifies the types of databases LISER makes available, as well as how they can be used, either :

    • (a) Externally, by user requests from the scientific community,
    • (b) Internally, by all LISER employees or by visitors to LISER.

    Data access conditions

    By default, all the databases owned or co-owned by LISER are accessible to all LISER employees on simple request (using a confidentiality declaration form). There may be specific cases that differ, namely databases of which LISER is not the sole owner. For the latter case, each database has its own arrangements (generally a specific data agreement form).

    For people external to LISER, access to data varies depending on the legal status and confidentiality level of the database requested. Therefore, depending on the database's confidentiality level, access may be granted only within LISER (physical entity) through an individualised and secure IT account. In all cases, access is requested using a form (see 'How to make a request').

    The aim of our policy is to facilitate access to data for research. The rules laid down are not used to hinder research or any other arbitrary desire to control. Rather, the aim is to put researchers in a position of responsibility with regard to data whose dissemination may be limited due to legal obligations (protection of persons, professional secrecy, etc.) or due to the data producer's interest (privilege of use, right of quotation, etc.).

    How to make a request

    The data access procedures differ depending on the user and data status. In all cases, users must sign an individual commitment.

    Data can be requested :

    • By contacting the LISER Data Centre : dataservice@liser.lu,
    • Or by drawing up (if one is available for the database requested) a LISER Agreement on data access or provision. (downloadable).
      Users provide information on their status and are requested to indicate which research project their request relates to. The published and signed documents must be sent by post to the following address :

      The Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
      11 Porte des Sciences Campus Belval
      L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette