- Transport and mobility
- Luxembourg
- France
- Survey data
- Individual
- Car Parking Areas (Sites) : 3
- Transport and mobility
- Psychology
- Great Region
- Survey data
- Individual
- Car Parking Areas (Sites) : 15
- Land market and housing
- Media, communication and languages
- Living conditions and well-being
- Health
- Employment and labour market
- Population, demography and census
- Migration
- Enterprise
- Finance
- France
- Germany
- Belgium
- Longitudinal data
- Individual
- Household
- Car Parking Areas (Sites) : 13
Enquête mobilité des employés des institutions européennes à Luxembourg et à Strasbourg (ACROSS)
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Geocoded Mobility Survey of EU Institutions in Luxembourg & Strasbourg (ACROSS)
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Data was obtained from a recent survey about mobility, perceptions of the city and location of the activities of employees of three European Union institutions, two of which were located in Luxembourg (the European Investment Bank and the Court of Justice of the European Union, statistically valid sample comprising 370 people) and one in Strasbourg, France (Council of Europe, statistically valid sample comprising 145 people). Thus, a total sample of 515 people is available in the data set. The survey was conducted in November and December 2012. The sample comprises people with sociocultural differences and very high qualifications, who all share the same place of work, making it a suitable survey for studying sociocultural effects on behaviour in terms of mobility. Data was collected by means of an online survey, overseen and assisted by the human resources officer in each of the institutions, in order to ensure a good level of response. Respondents were asked about their mobility practice with respect to travel for work purposes, their attitudes to the various means of transport and their sociodemographic characteristics. The response rate varied between 6.2% and 11.2%. Regarding geographical information, respondents were asked to give streets or districts for their places of residence, places of work and places where they conducted other activities.
Enquête Mobilité des Frontaliers (EMF)
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Cross-border Worker Mobility Survey (EMF)
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The first phase of the Cross-border Worker Mobility Survey was conducted in the autumn of 2010. The field of study comprised cross-border workers living within daily commuting range of their place of work, of whom there were 130,300 (from a total of 146,600 such workers) in December 2009 (source: IGSS). The sample was spatially stratified into 25 residential sectors, and a total of 40,000 letters and questionnaires were sent out. This batch contained the first phase of the questionnaire, which comprised the usual topics of a 'transport survey', while also being specially adapted to be presented on paper (nine pages) and self-administered. Thus, the first phase contained the key sociodemographic topics (type of housing, type of household, income category, education) as well as features connected with daily travel (activities on a workday, other regular travel, car, number of kilometres travelled, etc.) The response rate reached over 18% for this initial phase. A second phase was required, however, in order to gather more information about these key indicators concerning cross-border workers' daily travel experience and improve understanding of their practice. The information requested concerned their ideas, beliefs and attitudes, with respect to energy use, modes of transport and residential trajectory. To achieve this, in spring 2011, a follow-up, four-page questionnaire was sent to all those who had responded in the first phase - this time, the response rate was over 51%.
Panel Socio-Economique Liewen zu Lëtzebuerg III - Frontaliers (PSELL3 Frontaliers)
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Socio-Economic Panel of Liewen zu Lëtzebuerg III - Borderers (PSELL3 borderers)
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PSELL 3 - frontalier (Panel Socio-Economique Liewen zu Lëtzebuerg) is a survey conducted amongst people residing in France, Belgium and Germany with the aim of gaining an understanding of their living conditions, particularly in terms of income, work, transport, mobility and concerning them travel patterns place of residence work.