- Population, demography and census
- Luxembourg
- Survey data
- Individual
- Satisfaction : 18
- Education, teaching & training
- Migration
- Luxembourg
- Survey data
- Individual
- Satisfaction : 1
- Land market and housing
- Transport and mobility
- Great Region
- Survey data
- Individual
- Satisfaction
- Industry and management
- Enterprise
- Luxembourg
- Survey data
- Company, Enterprise
- Satisfaction : 7
- Land market and housing
- Transport and mobility
- Health
- Employment and labour market
- Population, demography and census
- Psychology
- Luxembourg
- Survey data
- Individual
- Satisfaction
- Satisfaction : 74
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This database was created through a collaboration with the National Institute for Cardiac Surgery and Interventional Cardiology (INCCI), as part of a MDYNRFC research project funded by Luxembourg’s National Research Fund (FNR) [Project FNR/C12/BM/3978355: Monitoring and Dynamics of Health Status through the Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in Luxembourg]. It contains the medical, demographic, and socio-economic data for patients suffering from Cardiovascular Diseases.
The patients were all initially admitted to the INCCI for coronary examinations in 2008/2009. The data was collected and recorded by the INCCI, in order to maintain its confidentiality and anonymity.
The database includes data from 2008/2009, and the follow-up survey carried out in 2013/2014. The main aspects of patient life it covers are physical health, lifestyle, relationship with the doctor, social and professional status, and quality of life.
Pratiques culturelles 2009 (Culture 2009)
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Cultural practices - 2009
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From September to December 2009, LISER (CEPS/INSTEAD when the survey was conducted) carried out the second large-scale cultural survey commissioned by the Luxembourg Ministry of Culture. The topics covered include sociocultural leisure pursuits, reading habits, use of cultural venues, use of media, etc. Analysis of the data provided a picture of cultural practices in 2009 that could be compared with the first survey, conducted in 1999, to see the changes that had occurred. A total of 2,000 people aged 15 or over, seen as representing Luxembourg society, were questioned (note that the panel grew, as it comprised only 1,600 people in 1999). Questions were asked about every aspect of their cultural practice: museums, cinema, theatre, literature, written and audiovisual press, live and recorded entertainment, and music, including their 'mode of consumption' (frequency, weekdays, weekends, or holidays, for example) and, lastly, about their overall satisfaction with what was available in Luxembourg in this respect.
Enquête Mobilité résidentielle hors des frontières luxembourgeoises (EVALUX)
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Survey of residential mobility outside the Luxemburg borders (EVALUX)
Database keywords :
This was a survey conducted by post in spring 2008, by the LISER (formerly CEPS/INSTEAD) in partnership with the Europa Forum. The field of study comprised all employed members of the working population who were Luxembourg residents but had gone to live in a neighbouring country between 2001 and 2007, while continuing to work in the Grand Duchy. Four selection criteria were used, i.e. people who had:
(i) moved from Luxembourg to a German, Belgian or French area of the Greater Region,
(ii) moved between 2001 and 2007,
(iii) been employed in the Grand Duchy both before and after the move,
(iv) lived in the host country for at least six months.
These criteria eventually resulted in the selection of a parent population of 7,715 people. Overall, the average age and therefore the average income were slightly lower than those of Luxembourg's resident working population, although this does not mean that the phenomenon can be described as residential relegation (Carpentier, 2010).
To analyse the reference population and establish a contact base, both of which were essential in order to ensure that the survey was conducted properly, data was used from the files of Luxembourg's Social Security Authority (Inspection Générale de la Sécurité Sociale/IGSS). This longitudinal administrative data base contains data on everyone covered by Luxembourg's social security scheme, and is the only one to contain, with a certain level of temporal depth, both residents of Luxembourg and cross-border workers from Germany, Belgium and France. As the data base contains individual information only, questions about families and any changes developing in them (separation, setting up home together, births, etc.) when the move took place, were added to the questionnaire.
Of the 7,715 people contacted, the response rate of 25% resulted in a final sample comprising 1,939 respondents, for whom, in addition to the usual sociodemographic data, there was data concerning their various addresses, as well as a certain number of places where everyday activities were carried out, both before and after moving away from Luxembourg. Specifically, ten types of activity were addressed: place of work, spouse's place of work, food shopping, doctor's appointments, sports activities, visits to friends, visits to members of the family, hairdressing appointments, restaurants and cinema trips. For each type of everyday activity, respondents were asked to choose the place where the said activity most often took place. In order to reduce the amount of time taken to complete the questionnaire, which, let us not forget, was self-administered, no questions were asked about, for example, the route taken, times, frequency, and transport links. Thus the aim was not to collect information on a typical day's travel, but to specify, based on their habitual activities, the places where these new « suburban cross-border workers » conducted their everyday lives (and the journeys that this involved).
Enquête relative à la Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises (RSE 2008)
Data by theme
Data by country
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Data unit
Survey concerning Corporate Social Responsibility (RSE)
Variable keywords :
This is a data base about Corporate Social Responsibility, compiled by the LISER (CEPS/INSTEAD when the survey was conducted) business research unit with the support of the Luxembourg Institute for Social Mobility (IMS Luxembourg). The sample frame was drawn from the list kept by the Luxembourg National Statistics Institute, STATEC. The survey covers almost all sectors of activity, with the parent population comprising 3,296 businesses, from which a sample of 2,511 was compiled, by including all companies in the parent population employing more than 50 workers and carrying out a stratified random survey of companies with 10 to 49 employees. Data was collected by post between mid-September and mid-December 2008, and describes the situation of the various businesses in 2008. Both French and German versions of the questionnaire were sent to the companies taking part. An English version was also available on request. We received 1,144 valid questionnaires. Where information was missing (partial no response) the values were not included.
Assurance dépendance (enquête de satisfaction)
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Pension insurance (satisfaction survey)
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Set up in 1999, the care allowance is the most recent branch of social security. Care is defined as an important, regular need for third party assistance with fulfilling essential needs. The care allowance is intended to cover the expenses incurred by enlisting third party assistance.
Beneficiaries of the care allowance are divided into two groups, depending on their place of residence: at home, or in a care facility. The services received by beneficiaries living in care facilities are provided by the facility’s care staff, while care at home is provided by an informal caregiver (a family member or friend), and/or by care workers belonging to a network of carer providers.
In its fifth year, the Care Division’s Assessment and Orientation Team wanted to take stock of its work for the first time, through a satisfaction survey of beneficiaries receiving care at home. The survey was carried out in 2006, delivered face-to-face in the beneficiaries’ homes, and completed by 83% of the sample (a representative sample of 1500 beneficiaries). The survey covered the different steps of the process of obtaining care-insurance (procedures, difficulties, and satisfaction, from requesting the application to receiving the “decision letter”). The survey also touched on the services provided, covering, for example, the quality of care, the quality of contact, and treatment by the network.
With regard to the survey’s initial results, 84% of beneficiaries report being satisfied or very satisfied with the way the Team handled their case, the way their application was processed, as well as with its services. 84% of beneficiaries report being “satisfied” or “very satisfied”. Concerning these services delivered, satisfaction was slightly lower, but remains very high: 72% of beneficiaries report being “satisfied” or “very satisfied”.